Counteract For motorcycles
Counteract is the industry’s premium tire balancing product for motorcycles.
Reduce vibrations for a more comfortable ride
Extend tire life
Save fuel
No more lead weights
Balance your wheels for the life of the tire
TPMS Compatible
Can be injected through the valve stem
Wheel weights can fall off
Wheel weights can mar the surface of the wheel
Easy DIY and Dealer Applications Available

When Counteract Balancing Beads are installed inside the tire the specially coated microspheres are distributed throughout the tire through centrifugal force as the wheel rotates. As the force of the out-of-balance spot increases and pulls the suspension in an up and down motion, the inertia causes the beads to move in the opposite direction and rapidly shift until complete wheel assembly is balanced.
How to Install?
Counteract easily can be installed in your tire using several different methods. Visit our installation page to view different methods for installing Counteract in your tires, or view our video here for directions on the DIY method.
Counteract offers several different products to suit your motorcycle wheel needs

Counteract Dealer Bag
Each dealer bag contains 4 pre-measured bags, 4 caps and 4 cores.
Part# MK10z – 3oz

Counteract DIY Kit
Each kit contains pre-measured bags, plastic bottle with hose for installation, valve caps and cores and a valve core remover cap
Part# Kit A- Kit J

Service Pack
Contains 20 pre-measured bags, 20 caps and 20 cores.
Part # MKSP1-MKSP3

Ready Balance Tubes
Contans one high quality tube preinstalled with Counteract.
Part#MKT 1 to 17

Tire & Tube Mounting Compound
Counteract tire and tube mounting compound.
Part #CBB-EP2

Motorcycle Tire Repair Kit
Counteract Motorcycle Tire Repair Kit
Part #MK-RK

Motorcycle Tire Pressure Gauge
Counteract 90 degree Tire Pressure Gauge
For the ride of your life
The Story: Modded my chunky 1800cc cruiser with a non-standard phatty front tire for personal comfort, handling and style reasons. Came back from the garage with CRAZY out-of-balance vibrations at most speeds, becoming *dangerously* wild at highway speeds. Didn't want to take it back to the garage who balanced it as they already didn't like the idea of the non-standard tire (which was approved in writing by the tire manufacturer, in addition to many dozens of personal reviews...), so I chose not to engage that battle with the garage and after some research went with these beads instead. Removed all the weights on front *and* back wheels, installed the beads per instructions (eZpZ - just a bit of patience and about 10mins per tire - recommend using a bike lift to hold it while loading), pumped the tires back to proper pressure and have put about 1000kms on them since - HOLY COW!! Like NIGHT and DAY compared to what must have been *wildly* incorrect weights applied by the garage. Plus, now I don't have any unsightly weights on my rims. Beads work AWESOME - smooth as silk, no noticeable "start off" unbalance feel whatsoever (they claim static holds them in place for brief stops). HIGHLY recommended - wish I did them from Day 1. Enjoy.
2016 M109R
Happy Happy Joy Joy 3 years ago
Flawless long term dynamic tire balancing product
I've been using Counteract Balance Beads for yearson a 2004 Yamaha FZ6 (for approximately 60,000 km and 3 or 4 sets of tires), a friend's Honda NC700x, and now I'm also using them in a 2012 Yamaha WR250R (tubed motorcycle). I believe that they increase the life of the tire - and of special note my front tires don't cup anymore either. No feeling of 'out of balance' ever from installation (which I do myself) to the end-of-life removal of the tire. FWIW, if you get a puncture, don't use a 'slime' type product as then the beads will not be able to move to the light spots in the tire anymore. You can't throw a balance bead like you can a weight, and they're easier on the rim too. They're much easier to use than trying to balance perfectly with weights as well. I also reuse them when I change tires.
2004 Yamaha FZ6
Southeast Steve August 2021
No more vibrations
May 26, 2020
It doesn't really cost any more than a standard tube + Counteract beads, and having the beads already in the tube makes the job easier (unless you have really balance poor knobbies like Dunlop 606's ... then maybe you'll need more beads in the tube). The tube itself feels like a quality product and the valve looks to be of high quality too. I'm using this one on a 2012 Yamaha WR250R. Future Ready-balance tubes will get used on a 1999 BMW F650 and on the rear of the WR as well. Southeast Steve · Review provided by
August 17, 2021
I checked this product out on line, was a little skeptical at first, but watched a few videos and read the reviews from other sites. Since removing the stick on weights and adding the beads the difference has been incredible. Very smooth all vibration is gone, I highly recommend this product and am now considering purchasing more and using them on my car as well. I recommend them to all my bike riding friends.
Jeff- 6 years ago
2009 Suzuki M90
Followed the instructions exactly and they worked!
Read a lot of reviews here and elsewhere that claimed this was a long process, didn't work, junk, etc.. Well I read the instructions and installed the beads EXACTLY like the instructions said. Pouring a little at a time down the valves was the main point to follow. It took a total of maybe 5 minutes per wheel to do. To me this was just an experiment as I already have a wheel balancing machine and have balanced many wheels in the past. A bonus is no weights to fly off or get knocked off. Chanced tires and tubes, filled up with beads and took off. ZERO issues with wobbles or air leakage. My days of balancing motorcycle tires are over. A bonus feature: If you keep a kit in your roadside emergency repair kit you can balance your tire while doing a roadside repair.
- What do you ride? '09 T-100 & '18 KLR650
Just a guy - March 2021
August 17, 2021
good alternative for wheel balance
I have done about 8 tires now with the balance beads and am convinced that this is the only way to go. The first set of tires took me on a 8000kms journey on rough roads before the tire wore down. i was curious of what the beads looked like after all these miles. I figured that they would be worn down and powedered up, but looked like new. I was carefull and pulled them out of the old rubber and reinstalled in the replacement tires. The inside of the old rubber was not effected by the beads at all. I am saving about $50 per tire by doing this myself. So far for me that is a $400 savings.
- What do you ride? 2016 wee-strom
Rob 2019
Thought it was a gimmick, but they actually work
I was skeptical at first, but determined to change my own tires and balance them myself. I thought I'd try this before spending big money on a static balancing set up or going through the trouble of making one.
I was sure it sounded too good to be true, but I've been really impressed. I've put on a couple of hundred KMs with the balance beads at varying speeds. My old tires must have come out of balance a bit through wear, because I can feel a very big difference in the vibration at speed - much smoother now.
I have a BMW R1100GS and put 3oz in the rear and 2oz in the front. It wasn't quick, or fun to put them in, but it was a small price to pay. The kit is very well thought out too. I was impressed that they even provide the extra valves and caps. Its a nice touch.
I'd definitely recommend these. Its not just snake oil.
- What do you ride? 1998 R1100GS
Trevor 2018
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