Our application charts are based on a stock vehicle with stock wheels and no modifications. In many cases, when a vehicle is modified it changes the dynamics and drive-ability of that vehicle. In those instances, our recommended amount may, or may not be enough to compensate for the tire imbalances. It is also to be noted that when a vehicle has aftermarket wheels, lift kits or other aftermarket components, there are many more possibilities for vibration that may not be tire balance related. Counteract will balance a tire, wheel and its entire rotating assembly. It will not fix an alignment issue, driveshaft imbalance, or harmonic vibrations from an aggressive tire tread.
I used the recommended amount and still have issues, what could be going wrong?

Counteract Balancing Beads
Our goal is to change the way the world looks at tire balancing and open up an entirely new avenue
for transport businesses to gain greater control over increasing fuel and equipment costs.