“We specialize in truck conversions, wheels, and tires on the F450 and F550 series truck. Our shop is in Hurst Texas and we do business with people all around the world.”
Benefits of Balancing with Counteract
After 22 years and millions of packages sold worldwide to dealer/jobbers, distributors, off-road enthusiasts and large transport companies, we are confident that Counteract Balancing Beads are the best overall method of balancing tires and complete wheel assemblies, anywhere in the world..
Increase tire life
Reduced rolling resistance equals reduced tire wear.
Reduce vibration
Reduced total
vehicle vibrations.
Reduce maintenance costs
Less vibration means less vehicle maintenance.
Environmentally friendly
Less fuel pollution, less tire pollution and less lead pollution.
Available in several options to suit your needs
How much Counteract
do I need?
Off-road applications can call for varying amounts of weight. From our 22 years of experience in the industry and our product being used around the world, we know that you will not always receive tires that call for the same amount of weight. You could potentially have one tire that needs 6oz of weight but have another tire on the opposite side of the vehicle that calls for 15oz of weight if not more. Unfortunately it is the nature of the beast with mudders. 9.5/10 our recommended amount of Counteract does the job for these applications, although there are times where you could run into an issue with varying amounts of weight being needed for certain wheels. In that case, to insure a true balance we recommend that the user mount the tire on the rim, place the wheel on a dynamic balancer to find out exactly how far out of balance that tire is, then simply inject that amount if Counteract into the tire via the valve stem. Problem solved!
When you put a lift kit on a vehicle, it changes the angle of the driveshaft, rendering the driveshaft itself unbalanced. This can cause the vibrations that are sometimes mistaken for tire balance vibrations. No matter what you do to balance your tires in this situation, it won’t eliminate the driveshaft vibration. To learn more, check out this article by 4WheelParts Click here
Our Specialists
We have Off-Road specialists.
Get In Touch For a Free Consultation
No Comebacks
“We’re the largest retailer of tires in the state of Alaska. Recently we started carrying the Pro-Comp Tires which is a line of on and off road light truck tires. They’re fairly heavy; they range from 50 to 92 lbs. so they’re very difficult to balance under normal circumstances, so we’ve been using the Counteract Balancing Beads. We just started this spring (2005) and have had excellent results on every instance, not a single comeback.”
Mark Crampton